So, I don't exactly have a green thumb. Case in point, one of the other ladies here very kindly gave me one of her rosemary plants. I marveled at how perfect it looked and very carefully planted in my flower bed last week. This week, it's not looking good....too much sun? not enough water? Maybe it's just come within my sphere of influence and it KNOWS it's being handled by an amateur. At any rate, my mint plants are also looking dicey and the herb seeds I planted haven't sprouted. This is par for the course for me and plants.
However, I've inherited these wonderful flowers in my garden called Gazania daisies. They are desert plants, have beautiful dark green leaves and constantly produce buds. These buds are closed overnight and then once the heat of the day starts around 10 AM, they open up into gorgeous flowers. When I first got here, I was just spraying them once every 3 days and it didn't take long for most of the leaves to turn yellow. I wasn't sure if I was watering them too much or too little, but one of the housekeepers told me to flood each bed every 3 days and that made all the difference. I have beautiful Gazania daisies!! I'm a little in awe both at the flower itself as well as the fact I've been able to keep them alive and thriving......of course, they are desert plants, but I've been known to kill cactus before so I'm still keeping it as a feather in my cap. :)
I tried to capture what one of my flower beds looks like in midday when the daisies are in full bloom, but it looks much better in person. The other photo David took of me weeding one morning as I was flooding flower bed #1. I actually have a weeding callous on my finger!! If it showed up better, I'd proudly display a photo of that too!!
Wendi! I am so impressed with your gardening spirit! And these flowers are gorgeous!
Lovely flowers. What else is native to the desert? When does the growing season end?
Love to see what you come up with!
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