First, the garbage man comes to empty our trash can around 9 AM and then, around 2 pm, the blue garbage truck comes AGAIN and makes another if we can generate that much trash! The funny thing is that almost all of the residents are at work all day so the afternoon run is pretty much a futile exercise.
The other twice-daily occurrence we can keep time by is the mosquito truck. It meanders up and down the streets spewing a mix of diesel smoke and some sort of pesticide in an attempt to tamp down the mosquito population. Once at 4:30 am and then again around 7:30. David and I got caught taking a walk on one of our first evenings here....."What's that noise??" "Holy Cow, it's the mosquito truck!" I ran home, trying not to breath (which is very difficult); Mr. Joe Cool just walked home through the fog. He thinks that anything that kills mosquitos is a good thing. :)
A piece of my childhood...this piece was in Virginia. Every afternoon a truck would come by and spray DDT. Kids were supposed to go inside until the truck passed because (as you know now (: the spray was both wet and dense. I remember the smell. I liked it. Nice to know these traditions are still alive in other countries. (: Did you know that malaria was a big killer in the U.S. in first part of our feeble 200 plus years? But certainly not in Virginia when I was a kid. Why the spray then? Just so you could sit outside? Don't know. Why are they spraying you? Malaria a problem?
From what I understand, malaria isn't the problem, they just don't want to deal with mosquitos. I would welcome other alternatives, but who knows, maybe if they didn't spray and I felt the full force of the mosquito population, I'd feel differently. :)
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