But first, the views from the deck of the Italian restaurant we went to. Those boats are feluccas where you can book a Nile sunset cruise. In the sunset pic, you're actually looking at the Tahrir bridge over the Nile.

After dinner, we walked over to the bridge. And although our photos don't show it, the article was right. Tons of people, great party atmosphere to walk through. We liked the lion statues too!

Dear D.& W....I am assuming the activities you blog (Is "blog" a verb as well?) are weekend activities? Or whenever your weekend happens to be...Can you describe a non-event day? Up at 6, brush teeth, drive to work, study Arabic...whatever. Or maybe these activities ARE your constant life. (: Which is OK with me. (: The more you say, the more we want to visit! Love you, P.S. What about transport? Can you drive Wendi? Inadvisable to go places without David?
About sore eye entry? Are there military medical facilities in Egypt? For qualified persons? And how is your eye? We hate the thought of you with even a hangnail. (: Love,
Thanks for the questions, Suzy!
First, the eye's clearing up. I had my 2nd follow-up appointment today with the eye and there's still some irritation so I'll take eye drops for another week but he seemed satisfied. And no military medical facilities in Egypt. We have a Physician's assistant on duty here on our compound (actually there are 2 PAs so they can sleep :) but they have a list of certified specialists to refer us to if needed.
And yes, most of these entries are weekend activities...when I say weekend I mean Days 8-10. That's when all the exciting stuff happens bc I can't drive off post without David. I haven't written much about our daily activities, well, I guess because they don't seem very Egyptian :). I was going to say they wouldn't make very good reading but then did I not just send the journal onto Rebecca with a recounting of just such a day??? I get much enjoyment out of reading the daily activities of those I love. So I'll include a Life on the Compound entry in the near future. :) Love you too!!
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